The True American Patriots

Identity and Purpose

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Who I am, and why I'm here.

The "Reverend of the Republic" is a blue-collar family man living in the suburban midwest with his wife, and three of his four children.  He is a jack-of-all-trades, and master of a few, with experience as a welder-fabricator, truck driver and auto-mechanic. 
He enjoys spending time with famiy and friends, hosting cook-outs and UFC Pay-Per-View events -- of which he is a huge fan.  Hiking, camping, hunting and fishing are also among his favorite things, although his true passion in life is writing, speaking and teaching about much needed social reform among the citizens, establishments and bureacracy of the United States.  And he wants to get to know others who feel the same.
He is a proud member of the , The Alarm & Muster, Sons of Liberty, American Center for Law and Justice, and Team Grassfire.



It's been quite a while since I've been able to hunt, camp or fish on a regular basis, and I miss them all terribly.  Being in the woods, by a campfire, or wading a river or stream, are among the most peaceful, clear-thinking experiences a person can have.  And those of us who do them, or have done them, have witnessed some of the artistry and majestic beauty that our Heavenly Father has created.  The enjoyment of these things is truly a blessing.

There was a time when this meant something to us.  Let's work to make it mean more than it ever has.




